Biography: Zahum B. Zenil

b. 1947, Chicontepec (Veracruz), Mexico

Solo Exhibitions:

1994  Galeria de Art Mexicano, Mexico City
1992  Galeria de Art Mexicano, Mexico City
1991  Nahum B. Zenil…Presents, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo
de Monterrey, Mexico
1990  Parallel Project, New York, Los Angeles, San Antonio,
Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art, New York
1988  Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art, New York
1985  Galeria de Arte Mexicano, Mexico City
Galeria Arte Actual Mexicano, Monterrey
1983  Galeria de la Secretaria de Hacienda Y Credito
Publico, Mexico City
1982  Museo Carillo Gil, Mexico City
1980  Casa de Arte CREA, Mexico City
1979  Galeria J.M. Velasco, Mexico City
1977  Galeria Pintura Joven, Mexico City
1976  Galeria J.M. Velasco, Mexico City
Casa de la Cultura, Pubela
1974  Galeria J.M. Velasco, Instituto Nacional
de Bellas Artes, Mexico City
Palacio de Gobierno de Chilpancingo

Selected Group Exhibitions:

1995  Cartographies (traveling exhibition: Canada, U.S.A.)
1993  “Cien pintores mexicanos” Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey
1992  “Artistas jovenes” Caracas, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo
1991  “Through the Paths of Echoes” (travelling exhibition, U.S.A.)
1990  “Mexico: Out of the Profane”
Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia, Adelaide
“Aspects of Contemporary Mexican painting” The Americas Society,
New York (plus 4 other museums)
1988  “Sieta Visiones Mexicanas” (travelling exhibition in Arizona
1986  “Memento Mori” Centro Cultural/Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City
1985  “Mexico: The New Generation” San Antonio Museum of Art, Texas
1984  “Mexican Art” Gothemburg, Stokholm, London
1981  “Jovenes pintures mexicanos” Ecuador, Venezuela, and other countries
1978  Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City
1974  Xylem Gallery, Houston
1971  Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City

Selected Bibliography:

Cartographies. With texts by Paulo Henkenhof, Ivo Mesquita and Justo Pastor Mellado. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1993.

Debroise, Olivier. “Nahum, Nahum, Nahum.” In Nuevos momentos del arte mexicano/New Moments in Mexican Art, 83-84, Mexico City, New York: 1990. (Originally published in Nahum B. Zenil. Mexico City: Galeria de Arte Mexicano, 1985.)

del Conde, Teresa. “El realismo introspectivo de Nahum B. Zenil.” In exhibition catalogue Nahum B. Zenil “Pase Usted,” n.p. Mexico City: Museo de Arte Carillo Gil, 1982.

______________. Encuentro de la historia del arte en el arte contemporaneo mexicano. Mexico City: Museo de Arte Moderno, 1992.

Emerich, Luis Carlos. “Nahum B. Zenil: El morbo y la lira.” In Figuraciones y desfiguros de los 80’s, 151 – 154. Mexico City: Editorial Diana, 1989.

_________________. Nahum B. Zenil…Presente. Monterrey, Mexico: Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey, 1991.

_________________. Nahum B. Zenil, se busca. Mexico City: Galeria de Arte Mexicano, 1992.

_________________. 100 Artists Against AIDS/100 artistas contra el SIDA. Mexico City: Centro Cultural de San Angel, 1993.

_________________. “El circo geni(t)al zenilanio.” In Nahum B. Zenil, n.p.. Mexico City: Galeria de Arte Mexicano, 1994.

Kirking, Clayton C. Seven Figurative Painters from Mexico: Siete Visiones Mexicanas. Pheonix, AZ: Friends of Mexican Art/Valley National Bank Foundation, 1989.

Merewether, Charles. Mexico Out of the Profane. Adelaide, Australia: Adelaide Festival of Arts, 1990.

New Generations. With texts by Nancy Kelker and Teresa del Conde. San Antonio: San Antonio Museum of Art, 1985.

Peden , Margaret Sayers. Out of the Volcano: Portraits of Contemporary Mexican Artists. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991.

Rooted Visions. With texts by Carla Stellweg, Teresa del Conde, Andres de Luna and Gobi Stromberg de Pellizzi. New York: Contemporary Museum of Hispanic Art, 1989.

Ruy-Sanchez, Alberto. Mexico: Figures of the Eighties. San Antonio, TX: Instituto Cultural Mexicano, 1991.

Sullivan, Edward J. Memory Made Palpable. New York: Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art, 1989.

_______________. “Nahum B. Zenil.” In “De la vida…” a la memoria de mi madre: Nahum B. Zenil, Obra reciente. Mexico City: Galeria de Arte Mexicano, 1989.

_______________. Aspects of Contemporary Mexican Painting. New York: Americas Society, 1990.


Abelleyra, Angelica, “La obra de Nahum B. Zenil,” review of exhibition De la vida…, La Jornada, 4 June, 1989.

Adams, Brooks, review of Nahum B. Zenil, review of exhibition at Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art, Art in America, April, 1991, 162-163.

Blanc, Giulio V., review of Aspects of Contemporary Mexican Painting, Arte en Columbia, January 1991, 183-184

Brenson, Michael, “Where the Physical and Spiritual Both Meld and Clash,” review of Aspects of Contemporary Mexican Painting, The New York Times, 5 October 1990

Cotter, Holland, “14 Latin Artists Exist Separately in a Bronx Show With Light Touches,” review of Cartographies, The New York Times, 4 November 1994.

Driben, Lelia, “Nahum Zenil, Retrato de familia,” Uno mas Uno, 15 January 1983, 17.

Enriquez, Mary Schneider, review of the exhibition at Galeria de Arte Mexicano, Mexico City, Art News, January 1993, 156.

Fischer, Susana, “Se busca, en la Galeria de Arte” interview with Nahum B. Zenil, El Nacional, 8 October 1992.

Herkenhoff, Paulo; Smith, Geri, “Global Outreach” Latin American Art, Art News, October 1991, 88 – 93.

Larson, Kay, “Century 30 – 1,” review of Aspects of Contemporary Mexican Painting, New York Magazine, 26 November 1990, 74.

Lebow, Edward, “Art Impaired Visions,” review of Seven Figurative Painters from Mexico, The New Times (Phoenix, AZ) 18-24 January, 1989, 38

Luque, Antonio, “Nahum B. Zenil, Una mirada introspectiva” Marcoplis, 4 June, 1992, 48-50.

Matus, Macario, “Se busca, obra de Nahum Zenil,” review of exhibition at Galeria de Arte Mexicano, Mexico City, Excelsior, 22, November 1992.

Moncada, Adriana, “Mis cuadros, una catarsis que me libera de situaciones daninas: el pintor Nahum B. Zenil,” review of exhibtiion at Galeria de Arte Mexicano, Mexico City, Uno mas Unoe, 8 October 1992, 30.

Oxman, Nelson, “Nahum B. Zenil” Aceptacion y rebelion/I,” Uno mas Uno, 15 May 1989.

____________. “Nahum B. Zenil: La Nostalgia recupera lo real cotidiano/II,” Uno mas Uno, 13 June 1989.

Symbols/Los simbolos personales,” Viva el Arte, Winter, 1989, 6-13.

Pacheco, Cristina, “Enrevista con Nahum B. Zenil: Entre la sexualidad y la culpa,” La Jornada Semenal, No. 292, 15 January 1995, 20-25.

Rubenstein, Raphael, “A Hemisphere Decentered: Mexican Art Comes North,” Arts Magazine, April 1991, 68-73.

Schjedahl, Peter “From the Heart,” review of the Aspects of Contemporary Mexican Painting, The Village Voice, 16 October 1990.

Shown, John, “Artist Nahum B. Zenil on Show at Galeria Arte Mexicano (sic) ,” review of exhibition at Galeria de Arte Mexicano, Mexico City, The News, 29 May 1989.

Sullivan, Edward J., “Nahum Zenil’s Auto-iconography (Mexican-ness in Mexican Painting of the Eighties),” Arts Magazine, November 1988, 86-91.

_______________. “Nahum Zenil y la politica de alma/Nahum Zenil and the politics of the soul,” Arte en Colombia, December 1989, 76-79.

Tibol, Raquel, “Doloridas monologos de Nahum Zenil,” Kena Semanal, 6 July 1977, 94-96

___________. “Nahum B. Zenil: Madre, hijo y espiritu santo,” Proceso, 31 December 1979, 53-54.

___________. “Reiterativo opus gay de Nahum B. Zenil,” Proceso, 3 February 1989.


Categories: Biography