Special Events

Grey Art Gallery
41st Anniversary Celebration

Honoring Abby Weed Grey and her inspirational vision:
one world through art

Thank you to everyone who supported the Grey Art Gallery’s 41st Anniversary Celebration on Monday, February 29, 2016. The benefit was a great success, raising funds that will support all of the Grey’s work including our critically acclaimed exhibitions, scholarly publications, and comprehensive public programs that are free and open to the public!


Visit us on Facebook for more photos from the evening!

If you missed the benefit but still would like to support the Grey
Click Here

Monday, February 29, 2016 at Grey Art Gallery, NYU

6:30 pm Cocktail Reception, Entertainment, Silent Online Auction Bidding

8:00 pm Live Auction led by Alasdair Nichol from Freeman’s Auction

9:00 pm Silent Auction closes

8:30-10:00 pm After Party Hosted by the Grey’s Student Friends Committee with music by DJ LALOCALILA,  dancing, Persian food, and beverages

February 15-29 Online Auction hosted by  Paddle8_Logo_BlueWeb

Sponsorships and Tickets
Visionary Co-Chair $4,100
4 tickets to the cocktail reception & After Party and acknowledgement in promotional materials
Anniversary Committee Pioneer $1,000
4 tickets to the cocktail reception & After Party and acknowledgement in promotional materials, option to purchase 2 tickets and sell 2 tickets
Grey Art Champion $500
2 tickets to the cocktail reception & After Party
Abby Enthusiast $250
1 ticket to the cocktail reception & After Party
After Party Couple $41
2 tickets to After Party
After Party Single $25
1 ticket to After Party

To purchase tickets visitnyualumni.com/GreyAnniversaryTickets and click Registration

Visionary Co-Chairs
Estrellita B. Brodsky
Stephen Figge and Ian Alteveer
Susan and Steven Jacobson 
Lynford Family Charitable Trust
Michele Maccarone
Mamak Shahbazi
Pavel Zoubok

Anniversary Benefit Committee Pioneers
Natasha Boas
Paula Cooper
Nina Gilson
Susan Harris
Martin C. Liu
Shulamit Nazarian
Elsa & Marvin Ross-Greifinger
Julie Saul
Joyce Pomeroy Schwartz
Leslie Tonkonow
Office of University Events, NYU
Anonymous donors

Grey Art Champions
Alexander and Bonin
Alberta Arthurs
Joseph M. Cohen Family Collection
Robert Luskin & Charlotte Fallon
Louise Braverman & Steven Glickel
Senior and Shopmaker Gallery
Karen Wagner

Abby Enthusiasts
Debra Bricker Balken
Hilary Ballon
Elaine Forrest
Roselee Goldberg
Gracie Mansion Gallery
Deborah Harris
Ellen Kern
Nicole Klagsbrun  
Carol Lutfy
Lauren Pollock
Katie Rashid
Pat Steir
Catharine Stimpson
Frederieke Taylor

Roland Augustine
Lawrence Luhring
Agnes Gund
David B. Krisner Foundation
Galerie Lelong
Raymond Learsy
Kathleen O’Grady
Dana & William Pitts
Charlotta Kotik
Lauren and Jordan Mintz
Barbara Toll
Marian & Belverd Needles
Laura Raicovich
Marilyn Symmes
Jefferson Wilson
Anonymous donors

Contributing Artists
Shiva Ahmadi
Alice Aycock
Carol Bove
Alfredo Jaar
Chris Johanson
Maira Kalman
Paul Kos
Tseng Kwong Chi
Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt
Alicia McCarthy
Frank Moore
Yasumasa Morimura
Farhad Moshiri
Matt Mullican
Brian O’Doherty
Shahpour Pouyan
Walid Raad
Kunié Sugiura
Parviz Tanavoli
William Wegman

(lists in formation as of February 26, 2016)

Special thanks to:

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2016 marks the 41st anniversary of the Grey Art Gallery’s founding by Abby Weed Grey. Mrs. Grey was a modest yet pioneering figure who traveled solo to Asia and the Middle East in the 1960s and ’70s. During her trips, she met contemporary artists and made it her mission to collect non-Western modern works. She believed that art, as a universal language, could serve as a potent vehicle of communication and understanding. Over the years, Mrs. Grey amassed nearly 700 objects, which she donated to NYU when she established the Grey Art Gallery.

The Grey Art Gallery’s 41st Anniversary Celebration takes place during the current exhibition, Global/Local 1960–2015: Six Artists from Iran, which presents selections from Mrs. Grey’s stellar collection of modern Iranian art alongside works made by two subsequent generations. I hope that you will join us and support the Grey’s important scholarly exhibitions and dynamic public programming, which are free and open to everyone!

Lynn Gumpert, Director

For more information about the Grey Art Gallery’s 41st Anniversary Celebration, please contact MF Productions at kara@mfproductions.com.