The Artist and the Street: Politics and Representation in the Iranian and Latino/Chicano Contexts: A Symposium

In conjunction with the exhibition Between Word and Image: Modern Iranian Visual Culture

In the Iranian, Latino/a, and Chicano/a contexts, artists’ interventions in public spaces have played a critical role in the social and political landscapes. The street has served as a museum and a stage where artists, intellectuals, and activists have advocated a wide range of causes.

Diana Taylor (Department of Performance Studies, New York University) “Performance Protest: The Children of the ‘Disappeared’ Take to the Streets”

Peter Chelkowski (Department of Middle Eastern Studies, New York University) “Rite of Passage/Passage of Rite: From Iran via India to Trinidad”

Carol Wells (Center for the Study of Political Graphics, Los Angeles)
“La Luche Sigue: From East Los Angeles to the Middle East”

Haggai Ram (Department of Middle East Studies, Ben-Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel) “Multiple Iconographies: Political Posters and the 1979 Iranian Revolution”

Moderator: George Yudice (Department of American Studies and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, New York University)

Co-sponsored by the Kevorkian Center, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and the Grey Art Gallery at New York University, in association with the Iran Heritage Foundation.

Starts 9/27/02 1:00 pm
Ends 9/27/02 5:00 pm
Participants Diana Taylor, Peter Chelkowski, Carol Wells, Haggai Ram, George Yudice
Location Kevorkian Building 50 Washington Square South (at Sullivan and West 4th Streets)
Cost Free


Program Types: Symposium