Ann Magnuson and Carlo McCormick

In conjunction with the exhibition Tseng Kwong Chi: Performing for the Camera


Ann Magnuson and Carlo McCormick

Wednesday, May 27, 6:30 pm

Fales Library, Bobst Library

70 Washington Square South, Third Floor


In conversation with Carlo McCormick, senior editor, Paper Magazine, Ann Magnuson, writer, actress, singer, musician, and performer, will share memories of her friend and collaborator Tseng Kwong Chi, and recall the downtown New York art and nightlife scene in the 1980s.


Co-sponsored by NYU’s Fales Library and Grey Art Gallery.

Starts 5/27/15 6:30 pm
Ends 5/27/15 7:30 pm
Participants Carlo McCormick, Ann Magnuson
Location Fales Library, Bobst Library, NYU, 70 Washington Square East, Third Floor
Cost Free of charge


Program Types: Conversation