Cultural Capital/Cultural Labor

In conjunction with the exhibition Ben Shahn’s New York: The Photography of Modern Times

This two-day conference offers contemporary perspectives on issues that were close to Ben Shahn’s heart—labor conditions and organization in the cultural sphere: how institutions determine how artists are valued, enable artistic career paths, and offer other means to practice art or other kinds of work in museums, galleries, streets, stages, public, private, and nonprofit arts organizations.

Speakers include artists Andrea Fraser, Martha Rosler, and Greg Sholette; independent curator and writer Mary Jane Jacob; Toby Miller, Professor of Cinema Studies, Tisch School of the Arts (TSOA), NYU; George Yudice, Professor of American Studies, NYU, and many others. Moderators include Lorie Novak, Chair of Photography and Imaging, TSOA, NYU; Andrew Ross, Chair of American Studies, NYU, Brian Wallis, Director of Exhibitions and Chief Curator, International Center of Photography; and Vera Zolberg, Professor of Sociology, New School University.

Major cosponsors include the Privatization of Culture Project, Program in American Studies, NYU; the Center for Art, Society, and Public Policy, TSOA, NYU; New School University; and the Rockefeller Foundation. Other cosponsors are the Center for Media, Culture, and History, NYU; the International Center for Advanced Studies, NYU; the International Center of Photography; the National Association of Artists Organizations; and the Departments of Performance Studies and Photography and Imaging, TSOA, NYU.

Starts 12/1/00 11:00 am
Ends 12/2/00 4:00 pm
Participants Andrea Fraser, Martha Rosler, Greg Sholette, Mary Jane Jacob, Toby Miller, George Yudice, Lorie Novak, Brian Wallis, Vera Zolberg
Location Grey Art Gallery, New York University, 100 Washington Square East
Cost Free


Program Types: Symposium