Documentary Film Screening
Cajal and Contemporary Neuroscience
In conjunction with the exhibition The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramón y Cajal
This screening features two documentary films: Santiago Ramón y Cajal—Las mariposas del alma (Butterflies of the Soul), directed by Ana Martínez for Televisión Española, 2006, 59 min. (with English subtitles); and Bluebrain Year 7, brief excerpts from an ongoing project directed by Noah Hutton, which follows neuroscience research around the world, including Henry Markram’s ambitious Blue Brain Project in Switzerland. With commentary by Noah Hutton and Benjamin Ehrlich, author of a forthcoming biography of Cajal.
Co-sponsored by NYU’s Center for Media, Culture & History; King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center; and Grey Art Gallery.
Free of charge, capacity limited, and subject to change. Photo ID required for entrance to NYU buildings.