Esteban Vicente, Abstract Expressionism, and the Spanish Legacy of Collage

In conjunction with the exhibition Concrete Improvisations: Collages and Sculpture by Esteban Vicente

In this lecture, Daniel Haxall, Assistant Professor of Art History, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, will discuss the art of Esteban Vicente, the tradition of Spanish collage, and its reinterpretation by the Abstract Expressionists at mid-century.

Organized by the Colloquium on Spanish and Latin American Art and Visual Culture and co-sponsored by the Grey Art Gallery.

Starts 2/17/11 8:11 pm
Ends 2/17/11 8:00 pm
Participants Daniel Haxall
Location Institute of Fine Arts, Duke Mansion, 1 East 78th Street
Cost Free


Program Types: Lecture