Fantastic, Ridiculous, Punk, and Passion: The Flight of Frank Moore’s Painterly Hand in Dance, Performance, and Film Before AIDS

In conjunction with the exhibition Toxic Beauty: The Art of Frank Moore

In this conversation, Frank Moore’s contemporaries will explore fantasy, symbol, and artistic collaboration, along with the stirrings of political activism, in his dance and performance works. With Moore’s performance partners Richard Elovich, a medical sociologist at Columbia University and former theater artist, member of ACT UP, Gran Fury, and GMHC; and Jim Self, Senior Lecturer in Dance, Cornell University.

Organized by NYU’s Department of Performance Studies (TSOA), and co-sponsored by the Grey Art Gallery.

Starts 10/16/12 6:30 pm
Ends 10/16/12 8:00 pm
Participants Richard Elovich, Jim Self
Location Tisch School of the Arts, 721 Broadway, Room 613


Program Types: Conversation