Not for Sale 2: Artists’ View

In conjunction with the exhibition Electrifying Art: Atsuko Tanaka, 1954–1968


Not for Sale 2: Artists’ View

Thursday, November 18, 6 pm

Einstein Auditorium, 34 Stuyvesant Street


Moderated by RoseLee Goldberg, art historian and critic, this forum will examine how contemporary performance artists use institutions and the marketplace for their own ends. How does the changing role of the modern museum as lively cultural center shape artists’ ideas about performance? Can today’s performances within museum contexts be as radical and provocative as earlier performances, which were often made outside institutional frameworks? A distinguished panel of artists and curators will address these questions.


Co-sponsored by PERFORMA, a non-profit arts organization dedicated to the study and presentation of performance, and the Department of Art and Art Professions, Steinhardt School of Education, with additional support from the Grey Art Gallery. For information, call 212/533-5720 or e-mail

Starts 11/18/04 6:00 pm
Ends 11/18/04 7:00 pm
Participants RoseLee Goldberg
Location Einstein Auditorium, 34 Stuyvesant Street (between 3rd and 2nd Avenues at 9th Street)
Cost Free of charge


Program Types: Forum