Inscribed Upon the Walls: Cubism, Purism, Architecture, and the Interior

In conjunction with the exhibition The Park Ave Cubists: Gallatin, Morris, Frelinghusen, and Shaw

Forum with Debra Bricker Balken, Curator of the Exhibition, Carol S. Eliel, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and Kenneth Wayne, Curator, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo

Offered in conjunction with Le Corbusier Before Le Corbusier: Applied Arts, Architecture, Painting, and Photography, on view at The Bard Graduate Center Gallery, 18 West 86th Street, until February 23, 2003

Starts 1/27/03 6:00 pm
Participants Debra Bricker Balken, Carol S. Eliel, Kenneth Wayne
Location The Bard Graduate Center, 38 West 86th Street
Cost Admission: $25 general, $17 seniors and students, free with NYU i.d.


Program Types: Panel