Semina Poets
In conjunction with the exhibition Semina Culture: Wallace Berman & His Circle
Semina Poets
Tuesday, February 27, 7 pm
Poets House, 72 Spring Street, 2nd Floor (between Broadway and Lafayette)
Poet and editor David Meltzer, author of David’s Copy: The Selected Poems of David Meltzer, will take us through the Beat communities of Los Angeles and San Francisco of the late 1950s, discussing his friendship with Wallace Berman and illuminating his own path to becoming a poet through his relationships with Diane DiPrima, Robert Duncan, Jack Hirschman, Philip Lamantia, Michael McClure, Lew Welch, and Philip Whalen.
Admission: $7 general, $5 with NYU i.d. Co-sponsored by Poets House and the Grey Art Gallery. Information: 212/431-7920 or www.poetshouse.org.