Meditations on Re/Mediations

In conjunction with the exhibition Paper Museums: The Reproductive Print in Europe, 1500–1800

In exploring “re-mediation” and its historical possibilities, Paper Museums sets the stage for recovering the premodern origins of a postmodern term. This daylong Faculty–Graduate Student Conference focuses on issues concerning the migration of forms—images, narratives, genres, media—from one medium to another. Joining English Department professors John Archer, Ernest Gilman, Haruko Momma, and Martha Rust are selected graduate students. Their topics will address the interplay of word and image in graphic media, the question of reproduction, and the impact of print culture on concepts of nationhood, authorship, and canon formation.

Co-sponsored by the NYU English Department Colloquium on Early Literature and Culture in English and the Grey Art Gallery. Seating is limited.

Starts 11/18/05 10:00 am
Ends 11/18/05 5:00 pm
Participants John Archer, Ernest Gilman, Haruko Momma, and Martha Rust
Location 19 University Place, Great Room
Cost Free


Program Types: Symposium