Mit Out Sound: Moving Image Visual Culture and Technology

In conjunction with the exhibition Moving Pictures: American Art and Early Film, 1880–1910

Coined by Austrian-American movie director Erich von Stroheim, the term “mit out sound” (MOS) means to film without sound. Focusing on the visual in moving image culture, this panel discussion will explore relationships among art, theory, film, science, popular culture, and technology. With Zoe Beloff, artist, filmmaker, and Assistant Professor, Queens College; Jonathan Crary, Meyer Schapiro Professor of Modern Art and Theory, Columbia University; and Jon Kessler, artist and Associate Professor, School of the Arts, Columbia University. Moderated by Susanna Cole and Erin Donnelly.

Co-sponsored by NYU’s Deutsches Haus and Grey Art Gallery, with Gigantic ArtSpace

Starts 10/18/06 6:30 pm
Ends 10/18/06 9:00 pm
Participants Zoe Beloff, Jonathan Crary, Jon Kessler, Susanna Cole, and Erin Donnelly
Location 19 University Place (near E. 8th St.)


Program Types: Panel