The New Urbanism of Mayor Lindsay: The Downtown Scene

In conjunction with the exhibition Downtown Pix: Mining the Fales Archives, 1961–1991

Mayor John Lindsay (1966–73) ushered in a new era of creative urban planning and elevated it to a critical domain of public policy, with efforts to protect the microculture of neighborhoods replacing the blunt force of urban renewal. In this lecture, Hilary Ballon, Deputy Vice Chancellor, NYU Abu Dhabi, and University Professor, will consider the interplay between the resurgent Downtown art scene and New York’s new urbanism in the 1960s and ’70s.

Organized by AIA New York Chapter and NYU’s Grey Art Gallery and Fales Library.

Starts 3/31/10 6:00 pm
Ends 3/31/10 8:00 pm
Participants Hilary Ballon
Location Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place (between Bleecker and W. 3rd Sts.)
Cost Free with NYU ID and for AIA and ADSNY members, $10 for non-members.


Program Types: Lecture