Panel Discussion
Artists’ Circles: How Do They Work—What Work Do They Do?

In conjunction with the exhibition Semina Culture: Wallace Berman & His Circle

Artists’ Circles: How Do They Work—What Work Do They Do?

Thursday, January 25, 6:30 pm

The Fales Library, Bobst Library, Third Floor, New York University

70 Washington Square South


This panel discussion will examine the Semina group in the context of twentieth-century artistic circles. Participants are Ulrike Mueller, artist and editor for L.T.T.R.; Lytle Shaw, Assistant Professor of English, NYU, and author of Frank O’Hara: The Poetics of Coterie; Lynne Tillman, critic, filmmaker, and author of American Genius: A Comedy; and Steven Watson, critic and author of Strange Bedfellows: The First American Avant-garde. Moderated by Marvin J. Taylor, Director of The Fales Library and editor of The Downtown Book: The New York Art Scene 1974–1984, which was published last year in conjunction with The Downtown Show at the Grey and Fales.


Co-sponsored by NYU’s Fales Library and Grey Art Gallery. Information: 212/998-2596.

Starts 1/25/07 6:30 pm
Ends 1/25/07 8:30 pm
Participants JD Samson, Dean Daderko, Ulrike Müller, Jeremy Wade, Chez Bushwick, Nate Lowman, Matt Wolf, Carlo McCormick
Location The Fales Library, Bobst Library, Third Floor, New York University, 70 Washington Square South
Cost Free of charge


Program Types: Discussion Panel