Panel Discussion
Dismantling Invisibility: Asian and Pacific Islander Artists’ Response to the AIDS Crisis

In conjunction with the exhibition Tseng Kwong Chi: Performing for the Camera

Dismantling Invisibility: Asian and Pacific Islander Artists’ Response to the AIDS Crisis

Monday, May 4, 6:30 pm
Fales Library, Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South, Third Floor

Panel discussion moderated by Amy Sadao, Daniel Dietrich II Director, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, will focus on AIDS activism, including the exhibition Dismantling Invisibility: Asian and Pacific Islander Artists Respond to the AIDS Crisis, which opened at Art in General in 1991. With speakers Zhang Hongtu, artist; Esther McGowan, associate director, Visual AIDS; and Herb Tam, curator and director of exhibitions, Museum of Chinese in America.

Co-sponsored by NYU’s Fales Library and Grey Art Gallery.

Programs are free of charge, no reservations, capacity limited, and subject to change. To receive program reminders and updates via email, visit the Grey’s website at, click on “join our listserv,” and follow the prompt. Photo ID required for entrance to NYU buildings. Information:,, 212/998-6780

Starts 5/4/19 6:30 pm
Ends 5/4/19 8:30 pm
Participants Amy Sadao, Zhang Hongtu, Esther McGowan, Herb Tam
Location Fales Library, Bobst Library 70 Washington Square South, Third Floor
Cost Free of charge


Program Types: Discussion Panel