Paris/Caracas/Buenos Aires and Beyond: Soto and Latin American Artists in Paris

In conjunction with the exhibition Soto: Paris and Beyond, 1950-1970

Featuring graduate students from NYU’s Institute of Fine Arts and Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, this symposium will investigate aspects of the vibrant interchange between the Americas and Paris in the mid-to-late 20th century. Speakers will also examine works by Soto’s contemporaries from Argentina, Haiti, Cuba, and elsewhere. Moderated by Edward J. Sullivan, Helen Gould Sheppard Professor of the History of Art, Institute of Fine Arts and Department of Art History, NYU. Followed by a viewing of Soto: Paris and Beyond.

Starts 2/3/12 2:00 pm
Ends 2/3/12 5:00 pm
Participants Edward J. Sullivan
Location La Maison Française, 16 Washington Mews (at University Place)


Program Types: Symposium