Political Populists–The Other Side of Pop Art

In conjunction with the exhibition Worldscapes: The Art of Erró

Pop Art is often associated with the celebration of consumption, mass production, and popular culture. Examining Erró’s art, critic Eleanor Heartney will consider the work of other artists and art movements who employ popular culture as an instrument for trenchant political critique—including Chinese Political Pop, Soviet Sots art, and artists inspired by Japanese Manga culture, as well as American figures such as Peter Saul, Renee Cox, David Wojnarowicz, and Jerry Kearns.

Co-sponsored by the Department of Art and Art Professions (Steinhardt), and the Grey Art Gallery. Free of charge. No reservations, seating is limited.

Starts 4/15/04 6:30 pm
Ends 4/15/04 8:00 pm
Participants Eleanor Heartney
Location Einstein Auditorium, 34 Stuyvesant Street (at 3rd Ave. and 9th St.)
Cost Free


Program Types: Lecture