Posters and Politics: How the Avant-Garde and the German Tradition of Printmaking Collided in the GDR, 1949–1989

In conjunction with the exhibition Kunstlerplakate: Artists’ Posters from East Germany

Jeanne Anne Nugent, art historian and independent curator based in New York, will examine avant-garde culture under state socialism during the Cold War, discussing how—in contrast with the Soviet-prescribed Socialist Realism that pervaded East German culture in
the 1950s and early ’60s—GDR artists of the 1970s and ’80s used forbidden “formalist” artistic approaches, such as prewar Expressionism and interwar Neue Sachlichkeit, to convey a political agenda.

Sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and co-organized by NYU’s Deutsches Haus and Grey Art Gallery. RSVP required by November 15, 2010.

Starts 11/18/10 12:00 pm
Ends 11/18/10 2:00 pm
Participants Jeanne Anne Nugent
Location Deutsches Haus, NYU, 42 Washington Mews (corner of University Place)


Program Types: Lecture