Related Exhibition
All is well that begins well and never ends
In conjunction with the exhibition Geometry of Hope: Latin American Abstract Art
All is well that begins well and never ends
Opening Reception: Tuesday, September 11, 6–8 pm
Exhibition on view through October 31
80 Washington Square East Galleries
Department of Art and Art Professions, Steinhardt School of Education, NYU
Curated by Jan Van Woensel, Ernesto Burgos, and Jonah Groeneboer, this exhibition focuses on emerging artists working with the language of abstraction who seek to expand and re-contextualize modernist notions of geometry. Artists include Ernesto Burgos, Chris Duncan, Andres Ferrandis, Satoru Eguchi, Jonah Groeneboer, Inverted Topology, Xylor Jane, Rossana Martínez, and Gean Moreno. Presenting their works in dialogue with The Geometry of Hope, the organizers hope to spark a conversation about the possibilities of abstraction among artists, curators, and historians, to make manifest today’s artistic concerns, and to create new possibilities for future discourse.
Information: 212/998-5747.