Related Exhibitions: New York Cool

In conjunction with the exhibition New York Cool: Painting and Sculpture from the NYU Art Collection

Action/Abstraction: Pollock, De Kooning, and American Art, 1940–1976
The Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Avenue (at 92nd St.)
Information:,, 212/423-3200
Exhibition on view: May 4–September 21, 2008

Art and American Culture at Mid-Century
Thursday, May 8, at 6:30 pm
Moderated by Morris Dickstein, with Ann Douglas, Gary Giddins,
Anne Roiphe, and Irving Sandler.

Identity, Engagement, Judgment: Clement Greenberg
and Harold Rosenberg Then and Now
Thursday, May 15 at 6:30 pm
Moderated by Michael Brenson, with David Joselit, Linda Norden,
Kenneth E. Silver, and Catherine Soussloff.

Starts 5/4/08 6:30 pm
Ends 9/21/08 8:00 pm
Location Various Locations


Program Types: Panel