Related Exhibition
Why Should They Work?

In conjunction with the exhibition Priceless Children: American Photographs 1890–1925

Why Should They Work?

On view May 7–July 12, 2002

Tamiment Library, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University

70 Washington Square South (near Washington Square East), 10th Floor

Information: 212/998-2630


Childhood is often perceived as a time of innocence and carefree abandon. Yet the majority of children around the world are engaged in labor—as were most children in the United States until less than a century ago. This exhibition features a wide range of archival materials on child labor from the collections of NYU’s Tamiment Library,   including Lewis Hine’s photographs for the Progressive campaign to enact laws restricting child labor as well as related histories, periodicals, and pamphlets. Also on display are materials from recent campaigns addressing the consequences of globalization and child labor in overseas industries.

Starts 5/7/02 12:00 am
Ends 7/12/02 12:00 am
Location Tamiment Library, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University, 70 Washington Square South, 10th Floor
Cost Free of charge


Program Types: Related Exhibition