Awaiting for Men
In conjunction with the exhibition The Poetics of Cloth: African Textiles / Recent Art
Awaiting for Men
Friday, October 17, 6:00–8:00 pm
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue (at 82nd St.), Bonnie J. Sacerdote Lecture Hall
This documentary film by Katy Lena Ndiaye (Senegal/Belgium) explores the lives of three women of Oulata, a red city on the east side of the Mauritanian desert. In their paintings on the city’s walls, they address relations between men and women with surprising freedom. 2007, 56 minutes, in French with English subtitles. Co-winner of the 2008 Walter Mosley Award for best documentary.
Organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in collaboration with the Real Life Documentary Festival. Seating is limited. Free tickets available at Event Desk in Uris Center for Education beginning at 5:00 pm on day of event. Information:, 212/570-3949.