Talk and Dinner
Food and Thought
In conjunction with the exhibition Rudy Burckhardt and Friends: New York Artists of the 1950s and '60s
Food and Thought
Wednesday, May 24
6:00 pm: Grey Art Gallery, 100 Washington Square East
7:30 pm: Haveli, 100 Second Avenue (between Fifth and Sixth Streets)
Part of Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation’s ongoing local restaurant series, which invites friends to dine with acclaimed historians in the places where Village history and culture happened, this program featuring cocurator Vincent Katz begins with a gallery talk followed by a meal with discussion of the downtown art world of Rudy Burckhardt and friends.
$40 GVSHP members or with NYU i.d./$45 nonmembers (dinner included, drinks extra). For more information and reservations, call 212/475-9585 .Cosponsored by the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation